Local Mls search

Why Buy?

My service

Here you may view all current properties listed for sale in our local MLS.  Simply, click the search button and enter your criteria.  Use the Advanced Search to narrow your search by community.  If you have any questions or would like assistance with your search, please do not hesitate to let me know.

There are many reasons why you should buy rather than rent. Maybe it makes sense to buy now because your credit report is in good shape, or because your job is finally secure.

You may want to buy so that you'll have something to borrow against, for large upcoming expenses (like a college education or a wedding).  Or you may want to buy simply for the empowering feeling of independence and freedom.

If you are contemplating purchasing a home in Ocean Lakes, there is no one better to assist in your endeavor.  Please call me today to get your search underway at 672-2089.


Looking to buy in Ocean Lakes?  Here is what I will do for you:

  • determine your financial picture, and determine your buying power
  • use all of the resources available to help you find the right home
  • assist you in the selection process by providing objective information about each property
  • help you negotiate your offer to purchase a home
  • guide you through the closing process to make sure that everything is completed to your satisfaction
  • help you understand the local housing market and just what's available
  • screen houses for you, so that you stay within your price range
  • help you understand pricing and the value of certain amenities
  • negotiate for you, so that you get the best price on the home of your choice
  • make sure that your new home has all of the appropriate inspections, to protect you
  • clearly explain all of the various financing methods that are available to you